Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth grow in later than other teeth, usually during teenage years, and they can cause problems unless properly removed.


Wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are four molar teeth that grow in the top and bottom jaw: one for each corner. During an initial exam, an X-ray will be taken to determine how your wisdom teeth are positioned in your mouth and the best plan for extraction.

Common Issues With Growing Wisdom Teeth

The following conditions can cause infection, swelling, pain, difficulty brushing or flossing, and pain while eating:

  • Growing wisdom teeth can get trapped inside the jawbone or the gums. Depending on how bad the damage is, the impacted wisdom tooth may be totally or partially encased in bone. There may also not be enough space for the tooth to be fully exposed.

  • Sometimes your mouth doesn’t have room for the wisdom teeth to grow out. This causes the wisdom teeth to push against other teeth, and can cause crooked teeth, decay, or issues with the jawbone and gums.

  • The angle matters as your wisdom teeth grow out. If the angle is wrong because of impaction or not enough space, it can be incredibly uncomfortable. X-rays will show the dentist if your teeth are growing into each other because of this issue.


Why You May Need to Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Every mouth is different. That’s why people’s wisdom teeth grow out at different times. Often, wisdom teeth need to be removed to prevent:

  • Infection

  • Mouth crowding

  • Crooked teeth

  • Cyst formation

  • Damage to other teeth

  • General pain

  • Difficulty eating

Removal - What To Expect

  1. At your first appointment, our provider will discuss the results of your 3-D X-ray, any health concerns or conditions you may have, and what your surgery plan will look like. You should ask any questions or address any concerns you may have during this time.

  2. At your wisdom teeth removal appointment, keep in mind that it’s an out-patient surgery that lasts 30 minutes-to-an hour. In most cases local anesthesia is all that will be needed.


Do’s and Don’ts of Recovering from Wisdom Teeth Surgery

Pain relief

Take ibuprofen or another over the counter pain reliever to manage discomfort. If the pain is severe, you may request a prescription pain reliever from Dr. Chang.


The extraction site needs a few weeks to heal afterwards. This means you can’t eat hard foods right away! Stick to soups, broths, applesauce, mashed potatoes, jello, and other soft foods for the first week to give your mouth time to heal. Nothing too hot, cold, hard or sharp.


After your surgery you may experience some swelling - do not panic as this is normal.  A cold compress on the cheek of surgery site is recommended to help keep the swelling down. Avoid any intense activity 48 to 72 hours after the surgery so that your body has time to rest and recover.

While our care team will go over any necessary details regarding your wisdom teeth removal at your visit, please feel free to contact us at any time with questions or concerns regarding your dental health and care. We are here to make this procedure as smooth as possible. Call to schedule an appointment today!

Wisdom Teeth Q&A

Why should I remove my wisdom teeth?

Keeping your wisdom teeth can lead to:

  • Chronic or recurring gum infections

  • Gum pain

  • Bad breath

  • Tooth decay

  • Damage to surrounding teeth

  • Difficulty cleaning your teeth

  • An abnormal bite

  • Cysts

  • Chronic inflammation that leads to other health issues

What is the problem with inaccessible wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth that can’t be cleaned can cause decay, periodontal disease, and abscesses. This is because the third molars are difficult to reach, and then properly clean. Bacteria can flourish in such an environment, causing inflammation. If this inflammation persists over time, it can also lead to bone loss and, consequently, more bacteria growth.

Do all wisdom teeth need to be removed?

No. Not all wisdom teeth cause problems like crowding, inflammation, and so forth. However, it’s best to have them evaluated by a professional dentist to determine how yours will grow over time.

What are the advantages of removing wisdom teeth quickly?

Wisdom teeth usually appear in late teens or early twenties. Here are some reasons for removing them and not waiting:

  1. You’ll want to schedule ahead for the appointment, with school and work in mind.

  2. The earlier you remove them, the faster your recovery time is.

  3. You’re at a higher risk of other complications as you age if you don’t remove them.

  4. The ideal time to remove teeth is between one-half and two-thirds of the root has grown. It’s safer to remove wisdom teeth if the root is not too close to the nerve trunk or near the sinuses.

What is the connection between cardiovascular and heart disease with chronic infection?

There’s a direct link between long-term inflammation and increased pathological plaque deposits in blood vessels.