Bruxism Treatment

What is Bruxism? 

Chronic teeth grinding and clenching, usually done involuntarily during sleep, is a condition called Bruxism. This common problem is found in both children and adults and can cause headaches, damaged teeth, earaches, and soreness in the jaw. 

A common cause for bruxism is stress and anxiety. Stress causes tension in the body, and for many people that tension is carried in the jaw which leads to grinding the teeth. Bruxism has also been linked to lifestyle habits (such as alcohol or tobacco use), as well as sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and snoring. 


There are two treatment options that we offer: 

  • Occlusal Guards 

  • Botox

Occlusal Guard

An occlusal guard is a mouthguard worn at night to protect your teeth from damage during any grinding or clenching that may occur while you sleep. The guard is customized in the office to fit your teeth and stay comfy and secure. 

While the occlusal guard does not prevent bruxism, it does protect your teeth from the wear-and-tear of grinding and allows for a better night’s sleep. An occlusal guard can last anywhere from 5-10 years depending on the severity of your bruxism. 

The guard is a great protection from any chipping, and can lessen the headaches, soreness, and tension you might experience. 


While Botox is usually associated with looking younger and smoothing wrinkle lines, it is also a very effective treatment for bruxism!

How Does It Work? 

The masseter muscle, responsible for moving the lower jaw up and down, tenses during stress and causes involuntary clenching and grinding. An injection of Botox into this muscle causes it to relax and weaken. This relaxing of the muscles can stop clenching altogether, and is very effective for those who hold a lot of stress in their jaw.

What are the main benefits? 

  • Unlike the occlusal guard which is mainly used for protecting the teeth at night, Botox can actually help stop bruxism altogether. 

  • It is a very fast treatment, taking only a few seconds for the injection to be administered.

  • The Botox injection lasts 3-6 months and gives relief to the headaches, jaw soreness, and pain.

An additional benefit is that it can help soften your face shape. Many people with chronic bruxism use their facial muscles so much that they have a more square-shaped face. Loosening these muscles and weakening them could lead to a softer, more relaxed look.

Schedule a consultation today to see if Botox as a treatment for bruxism is right for you!